Poţi să fii gelos pe cineva care poate nu există?

De ce te ataşezi mereu de persoane pe care nu le poţi avea? De ce mă faci să dispreţuiesc persoane care acum nu mai sunt printre noi sau care îţi apar doar în vise?  De ce auzi ce îţi spun ele, dar când eu spun aceleaşi lucruri nu mă auzi?  Cum poţi simţi fiori şi fluturi în stomac pentru o închipuire a minţii tale….dar când eu îţi ofer tot ce am mai bun, când îţi ofer sufletul pe tavă nu simţi nici măcar recunoştinţă?

De ce nu poţi să vezi cu ochii ceea ce deja vezi cu ochii minţii? Chiar atât de important e amabalajul pentru tine incât nu poţi să vezi că ceea ce cauţi, ceea ce visezi e în faţa ta? Sau mă amăgesc eu crezând că aş putea sa fiu ea?

You’re not her
Though I try to see you differently
I tow the line
You see I’m searching for what used to be, mine
I saw your eyes
And I saw Alice staring back at me
So I will try to find another one
Who suited me as well as her

I’ve moved far away from you
And I want to see you here beside me, dear
But things aren’t clear
When we never even tried
We never even talked
We never even thought in the long run
Whenever it was painful
Whenever I was away
I’d miss you
I miss you

She was mine
I was hers
And all that’s in between
If she would cry
I would shelter her
And keep her from the darkness that will be

If I moved far away from you
And I want to see you here beside me, dear

But things aren’t clear
We never even tried
We never even talked
We never even thought in the long run
Whenever it was painful
Whenever I was away
I’d miss you
And I miss you

Don’t drop me in
It’s not my turn
If you cut deep
Then I might learn
That you scarred and left me
Like a sunburn

Don’t drop me in
It’s not my turn
If you cut deep
Then I might learn
That you scar and leave me
Like a sunburn

We never even tried
We never even talked
We never even thought in the long run
Whenever it was painful
Whenever I was away
I’d miss you
And I miss you

3 gânduri despre „

  1. manyesterdayz spune:

    Postarea mi-a amintit de melodia asta : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1DPQ-bhu-g&ob=av3e

  2. Mai degraba asta…vocea ei imi aduce aminte de Lana…foarte frumoasa melodia :*

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